We are urging the world to look at technology as one of the key areas in which achieving gender equality can transform our societies.

How do we bring the voices calling for equal digital rights that need to be heard to the surface of the world wide web? 

By being consistent, collective and diverse.

#TechforEquality is a digital moment showcasing the power of intersectional and grassroots voices to generate commitments to make technology gender equal. 


Media Matters for Democracy explores the intersection of gender and technology in Pakistan. They highlight critical issues in relation to expression and space-making, access, and privacy and surveillance on the internet through their work.


IT for Change's Bot Populi explores feminist imaginations of social media with scholars, activists and leaders from the Global South. How does the intersectionality of gender identities affect the way we experience social media? What does feminist social media look like? What changes in platform governance and alternative techno-design can help us realize feminist visions of social media?


Minas Programam is a collective project led by young women of color to advocate for and activate initiatives aimed at promoting programming skills and other digital competencies and abilities for young girls in Brazil.


Girl Effect’s peer to peer digital research tool is bridging the gender data gap by unlocking open and honest conversations with girls, providing unique insights which would otherwise be lost. #HearHerVoice


World Pulse explores through the #SheTransformsTech research report what grassroots women and gender-diverse individuals from 60+ countries think individuals, policymakers, and tech companies must do to make tech equitable for all.


UNICEF and Action Coalition on Technology and Innovation leaders collectively commit to knowing more about girls and young women’s digital realities globally, investing in THEIR learning solutions designed for THEIR digital world. 

algorithm = equality

The Algorithm for Gender Equality is a campaign led by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland aimed at promoting gender equality in and through technology. Its goals are to activate discussion on gender equality in the technology sector, to promote openness in the field and make it more attractive, and to inspire girls and women to pursue careers in technology.

GEF logo
With the support of:
Finland logo